the blueprint
From quality housing to safe streets to smart redevelopment, Calvin Ball knows that the built environment that surrounds us is a major contributor to the quality of life that Howard County is known for. As County Executive, Calvin Ball has made sure that housing and transportation options are high-quality and accessible to all, and that the County is devoting energy and resources toward redeveloping existing communities so they can thrive and grow.
As County Executive, Calvin has overseen a five-fold increase in the number of affordable housing units built via tax credits, from 45 during the prior four-year period to more than 200. Howard County has added almost 30 miles of paths and bike lines under Calvin Ball, and the Regional Transportation Agency, which serves Howard County, has seen dramatic improvement.
As County Executive, Calvin Ball has also:
- Invested an unprecedented $5 million in the most recent budget to launch an innovative Housing Opportunities Trust Fund that will support new forms of rental and home rehabilitation assistance and supporting housing for populations in need.
- Distributed $250,000 in tax credits in the past year for property improvements along the Route 1 Corridor
- Adopted Howard County’s first-ever Complete Streets Design Manual to ensure that Howard County is a place where individuals of all backgrounds, ages and abilities can live and travel freely, safely and comfortably

public safety

health and human services


